Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Beard all off, and then his hands a hands appear mist, Dry Cleaning up the body, after a moment a brand new Na Luo appeared in front of everyone.
Hop Night Ou bud, Yingying three surprised to see this scene, very envious of the heart, Na Luo said, laughingly: Ou the bud Huiguo Shen laughed: Na Luo Yi Leng said: should not be without these gadgets to pass on to you when the disciples? Ou bud inner joy, originally thought these magical sounds are trivial things, the master know everything that they want to learn can learn, and then thought to be practicing, sitting there staring blankly, learning to dispel idea: Na Luo surprised, that thanks to such a clever master what to do? Just what to say, in front of the Denon mercenary group and the Legion of Long locomotive end to hold the situation started to move immediately to concentrate on the front, longer and assault bud bicker.
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Smiling hai jump, in which case he began to anticipate, there is nothing strange,nike air max 24-7 neon, the help of Wang Bing Yuan Long a Road: I'm sorry the saints of old, not to the time that I take advantage of. Bing Yuan Long laughed: mercenary group of people shouted: Bing Yuan Long Sound off the day Gansu mercenary group of people to move, like a group-burning fire, burning the weapons Lengse to the hot breath to block out thousands of attacks immediately into the invisible, comfortable operation The circular array of short-term stagnation, followed by Dragon mercenary group of people out sprint, unstoppable momentum, continue to destroy thousands of siege situation.

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